Im going to start with Margherita, what to say about this girlieeee, she is a person that has a little child inside, she is so sweetieeee I see her smile in my mind, she is unique, im so happy to met you girlieeee, I lpove you from my heart!!! (click on the links) You can't imagine when she drinks poncha , she is wild and say silly things =P She has got a strange passion for MIKI , if she met in personal, I think she would kiss him in lips!!! EHEHEHEEH, I imagine her face right now reading this she will say " nancinha, im going to kill you, why you told them my secret!!! :D :D :D " Caritaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa =P =P =P Now is your turn Nicolinho, ahhhhh what to say about you!! =P don't worry im not going to say bad things about you !!! Nicolinho is Nicolinho eheheheh, a very very funny guy, always has something to say even when you dont know what to say , lol ! very sweetieeeee and poetic!!! ahhh girls yes yes he is very romantic =P you should know him eheheheheheh ...