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I got an Award!

I must thank you for the people that choosed me for this award!!!!
I know im lazzy for these things ehmm Dream Catcher!!!! Now I claim!!!!! ^_^
I only got 2 from Dream Catcher and Doodles of the Insane but im happy for that!

Here are the rules:

1. If, and only if, you get nominated, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think,
2. Link to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme,
3. Optional: Proudly display the ‘Thinking Blogger Award’ with a link to the post that you wrote (here is an alternative silver version if gold doesn’t fit your blog).

You can find more details here

Now my 5 Blogs That Make Me Think are:

Dream Catcher: Because you catch the words very deep and transforms them in a dream for whom read !

7Confessions: You are funny! The obcession for Johnny Deep make me sm:)le !!! And the entertainment is part of your blog!!!

Insouciant Soul: I think everybody should visit him, his blog is just amazing!!! I identify a bit with his poetry

CurryEgg: Because of her simpathy, you are Miss Simpathy!!!! :D

Doodles of the Insane: Because he choosed me and because is a good writer!!!

Thank you!!!


Shruti said…
Hi Dear,
take care
confessing7girl said…
ahhhhhhhhhhhh thank u!!!!!!!!!!!
bigada!!!!!!!!!!!!!! és a primeira pessoa a me dar um award tou emocionada!!!
curryegg said…
THanks you Soul&body...
I've received this award from you. Thanks oh..
Anonymous said…

@};- he he...u deserve it as ever ...

n thanx for mentioning me...kisses..
-_- said…
you deserve it !
congratulation !
N@nc! said…
you're welcome ^_^
Anonymous said…
cm chap said…
HI... Congratz... u deserve it
Anonymous said…
thank you ... I feel honoured :) ..btw saw ur previous post... vaction in portugal...sounds great..
Jeya Anand said…
hey congrats...and thank u...
and i dont think its possible to pass it again ..:D...
Impressionist said…
Congrats! :D
u deserved it!! :D

peace & love
Anonymous said…
Congratulations buddy..
Nice to know that..
Life said…
hey this is something new..congo for this award...

Take Care
Ora então já temos pelo menos uma coisa em comum: eu também gostava de viver no Porto para sempre!Vivi la uns tempos e adoro a cidade...
...e parabéns pelo Award!!Clap!Clap!Clap!
bornfortheu.s.a said…
hey congrats!!! well deserved!
Anonymous said…
Ohhhh! Parabens pelo premio!!!!
Taum ja estas em casinha?
A tua mae esta melhor?
Eu ja estou de volta e um pouca menos triste...
O teu blogue esta de facto liiiindo!
Beijinhos da tua amiga ISA

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