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Petition About the Guillermo Habacuc Vargas

Well today after visit a blog I saw an online petition to boicote an arist called Guillermo Habacuc Vargas, for don`t participate in others events. He was choosed to represent his country in the Centroamericana Honduras 2008. What makes polemic is that he used a dog in the name of art and let die with hungry and thirsty!

Here are some pictures to understand better:

Means " you are what you read"
These letters are made with dog food!

Here is the dog in the galery.

"You are what you read" , nobody gave food and water including the artist
Some people asked to the artist for he let the dog leave but he refused.

If you want to sign the petition here is the link:


Anonymous said…
Ah, poor little puppy! That is sad. What kind of artist is this who would make an innocent dog suffer? I will for sure sign the petition.
drips of paint said…
please someone cut the rope and take the dog away whether the artist allow it or not.
wow this guy really did this? Sometime people have to do things to the extreme to get their point across
Marghy said…
was so horrible when i red a similar article on a friendly blog... but then i thought... what if one day we will need to put there a starving child instead that dog? to make see at our fat and relaxed piece of world what really mean starve? We dont know. We, me too, are livin wit so much things we dont need, while children are dying cause they dont have food... food. Maybe this artist is a cruel, or maybe he only took away from us that cruelty. I feel cruel, now, lookin at that dog starving, cause i think of all children dyin now, and now, and now. Maybe that artist is cruel, but made me think.

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