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Why do we always feel so complicate?!
Or we complicate things and hurt the others we love?!
Sometimes I dont know what way to follow, is like to be in the sea in a boat with no destination!
Is always like that! Is so strange...
I'm not good for you... I'm not good for people. I just wish I could be a better person.


Marghy said…
Mi amiga... id lpove to hug you so strong...
You dont need to be a better person, my sweetie friend, cause you are as you are... and perfect as you are. Sometimes i feel too like that. But then i look other people's faces. And i ask myself: are they happy now? Are they believin in themselves now? Are they proud of their life? Are they thinkin like me that im a disaster?
I dont know, but i think i agree in what a person said. Happiness is a travel, is wonder, is a street, and on this street you can fall, you can hurt yourself, you can also die to search that happiness... but is the way you make, that let you build your happiness. Is the sufference, is the sadness, is the hard moments where you (i did so many times in this days, mi amiga...) where you look up at stars and shout to God whats the meaning of our life... Thats change, we change and we grow a little more, and we understand better what means happiness... Whats the value of love around us... where we can arrive if we insist and dont leave us fall...
Youre important for me mi amiga, you are the best surprise life gave me in last years... and im sad knowin you are sad. Mine are only stupid words, maybe cause sandness need comprehension... then i stop to say silly and poetic things and i hug you very strong, cause sadness needs love to being cured.
ti voglio bene my dear friend ;o)
gypsy said…
i guess life is always ;like that....and who makes it so complicated ---we ppl only....
Its only in the concepts of our values how things 'ought to be' or 'ought not to be' that we try becoming something.
Today 'like this' and tommorow 'like what'??
The intelligence in everything knows its path to its own blosomings....only ,in the case of man he thinks there 's always something to improve upon.
He has been right!! But not in everything.!!

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