Let me be your shield
So I can watch over you as you sleep
Let me be your shadow
So I can be with you all the time
Let me be your mouth so when you smile
So I can smile
Let me be your dreams
So I can be with you as you sleep
Let me be all these things and more
So I can all ways be with you
Like you are with me
Always in my heart and soul
For I carry you in me
By: Colin Moorcock
Let me be your blood,
so i can arrive to your heart
and make feel you alive
Let me be your breath,
and i will not miss
each word you will say
Let me be your cappuccino at morning
i will not loose
first moves of your lips
Ciao amore have a good day!!!
Tvbene tantissimo!!
Ah i re built my old blog, http://margheb85.spaces.live.com/
i miss a bit write in italian ;o)
O seu blog está bastante interessante, gostei, continue assim apaixonada...
Passe por sletras
Um abraço