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Since I have subscribed my blog some years ago....I can't remember when exactly, I didn't know I have so many visitors, it doesn't matter how many of them back( of course it matters) but it's interesting, all over the world!
But this simple blog is part of me, my world, my thoughts, my mood...
Sometimes I think we need to "confess" our feelings in something to feel better. But what matters?! Is always great that someone in this world may identify themselves with me =)


Life said…
always with you :)

hope ur doing good

Take Care

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 Avoid Weight Gain —  Whiskey is a low-calorie alcohol, especially when compared to the many cocktails, beers, and wines you can find on supermarket shelves. You can drink a tumbler of whiskey without worrying about packing on the pounds thanks to its low sugar content. Boost Heart Health —  Did you know that drinking whiskey can actually make your heart healthier? Aside from wine and dark beer, what other alcohols can claim that? Not only will whiskey reduce the risk of blood clots, but it will lower your stroke and heart attack risk as well. The antioxidants in whiskey stop cholesterol from clogging your arteries, and it can even boost your good cholesterol. Fight Cancer – – Whiskey is rich in antioxidants, particularly one known as ellagic acid. This antioxidant stops your body’s DNA from coming in contact with cancer-causing compounds, reducing the risk of carcinogens forming. It can also protect your body from chemotherapy and will reduce oxidation in your body. ...


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