have similarities of course because we are friends, some have a bit less,
others more but we are friends, it doesn’t matter. When we don’t agree with something, we accept it anyway.
talk about our problems, our hopes, our happy moments even those conversations
which is not our thing.
So, people, human beings are
sometimes insane, we talk about other’s people life but our is also insane. We like to talk about everything because we are humans, although we don't agree. We have to talk because is like taking out this heavy feeling, what is making us sad or happy.
people, enemies, lovers, friends, sometimes can not fit in some group, again,
different ideas. Why can not understand? Got to respect the other! I don’t know what I am writing but I want to continue to write about people.
We, people, are strange, we don’t know what to do neither what to think sometimes but
at the end is all about respect. Respect the other human being although you may
not agree but this respect must be mutual.