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Missing Girl: Madeleine

A British toddler has gone missing while on holiday in Portugal.

Three-year-old Madeleine McCann is pictured on the right with her family.
Madeleine vanished from her parents' rented apartment in the Algarve as they were having dinner nearby.

The Ocean Club resort offered a creche service but the couple decided to leave Madeleine and two-year-old twins Sean and Amelie sleeping in the apartment.

They had taken turns to return from the restaurant to check on their children.

Madeleine, who turns four next Friday, was last seen by her father at about 2100 local time.

They had been making regular checks on the youngster, who was sleeping with her younger brother and the twins. When Mrs McCann went to check, she found the bedroom's outside shutter and window had been opened and her daughter missing.

More Information: here (english)
And here in Portuguese

PHONE IF YOU HAVE ANY INFORMATION (+00351)289 884 500, (+00351) 282 405 400 , (+00351) 218 641 00 , (+00351) 112 (This is the Portuguese Emergency Phone Number).

This english girl is missing. She disappeared from her bedroom in Algarve (Portugal) on May 3rd where she was with her parents on vacation. She may face international illegal adoption or sexual exploitation. She might be out of portuguese borders already. Help finding her spreading this message and Maddie’s photos on your blogs.


Voilà les numéros de téléphone, du Portugal, si vous avez quelque information: (+351) 289 884 500; (+00351)282 405 400; (+00351)218 641 00, ainsi que (+00351)112 (ou encore votre numéro d'urgence européen).
Cette petite fille anglaise est disparue au 3 Mai de l’Algarve (Portugal) où elle était avec les parents en vacances. Probablement elle est déjà dehors la frontière portugaise. Si vous avez d’informations appelez les numéros de téléphone. Aide Maddie ! Mettez le message et photos dans vos blogs.



Desde Portugal piden por el Paradero de esta niña que está desaparecida. En el caso que alguién sepa algo, más arriba tienen todos los datos para comunicarse. Todos necesitamos de todos. Muchas gracias. (colaboración de: Adal).



Menina inglesa desaparecida a 3 de Maio do Algarve(Portugal) onde estava de férias com os pais. Provavelmente já se encontra fora de Portugal. Se tiver informações telefone para os números acima. Ajude Maddie! Coloque esta mensagem e fotos no seu blog!



Dieses kleine Mädchen wird vermisst!Sie ist von ihrem Hotelzimmer an der Algarve (Praia da Luz- Portugal) am 3. Mai, wo sie Ferien mit ihrem Eltern gemacht hat, verschwunden .Es ist möglich, dass sie für illegale Adoption oder sexuell Mißbrauch entführt worden ist.Vielleicht hat sie Portugal schon verlassen.Wenn Sie Informationen oder Hinweise haben, rufen Sie, bitte, die gegebene Telefonnummer an.Helfen Sie Maddie!Posten Sie, bitte, diese Nachricht mit fotos in ihre Blogs!

Translate this to other languages please! Italian, Russian, Greek, etc. I'll had it here! This is a post for foreign bloggers that might visit portuguese bloggers. Thank you!


confessing7girl said…
ahhhhhh k linda template!! ando à procura de uma nova pa meu blog mas não encontro sites de jeito!! exa fostes tu k fizestes?? ou comprastes??

AS for madeleine's parents it must be terrible all they are going throught, i hope they can find the girl harmless and quickly!!
Impressionist said…
sorry to hear bout that girl.
Hope they find her soon.

lovely template!

peace & love
Jeya Anand said…
I believe they will find their daughter very soon...GOD help them...

And the New looks ur blog has acquired looks great .... :)
Sharad Mathur said…
sory to hear that.
hope evrything goes fine very soon.

Marijke said…
sorry to say....But why did they left their kids alone...My god

Wierd ppl notice such things...and nowadays there are so much sick ppl...
I hope they find her alive
Here in Belgium a 16 year old girl
was missed..They found her back in plastic bag Killed ....
I feel sorry really.....
mystic rose said…
this is the worst nightmare, isnt it? for both parents and kids.

i remember getting lost a couple of times when i was a kid.

i hope she is found soon.
krystyna said…
Ver,very sad.
Hope she is alive.

Thank you for your nice visit. You have wonderful blog and web.
Wishing you a lot of success!
`NEFTY said…
The saddest thing is... Child abduction is incresing largely=( I hope searchers can find her.
curryegg said…
I'm sorry to hear the news. Hope that they will find her soon.
And you've a nice skin(template)! Cool! You design them?
Good job!
di.di said…
they shouldn't leave your children unattended in da first place...i hope they do find the little girl alive and well.. she's such a cute girl. let's just hope and pray they find her safe.. **finger crossed**
Everyday in the morning I switch my laptop and hope to find the news:Maddie's alive and safe and back to her family...
Olá!Eu agora estou confusa:és portuguesa ou inglesa?!!Não faz mal!Percebes português, eu vou responder em português. A informção é contraditória, sim,leio um jornal e diz uma coisa, leio nos jornais online e já é outra. Acho que se avançam dados desnecessariamente só para alimentar a venda de jornais.Acho que deve ser uma confusão para a nossa políca ter de lidar com mais isso! Mas é facto que a mobilização não tem nada a ver com a que aconteceu, por exemplo, no caso de uma menina de nome Joana, cujo corpo ainda não apareceu.Acho que mobilização é boa para servir de aviso a toda a gente!Vem aí o Verão, é bom que as pessoas percebam que o mal pode acontecer e tomem previdências.Vi que colocaste as fotos online há muito tempo. Eu só me lembrei disso quando li que ela já podia estar fora de Portugal...
Pelo teu perfil, não acredito que sejas boring...:-)
Nabeel said…
beautiful picture, one happy family .. hope it remains the same forever, God Willing.
Nabeel said…
hmm .. now that I read, it's sad what happened .. kidnapping is very common .. well more common in the Third World countries .. may God Bless her, and hope she is safe
zeezee said…
Have they found her? she is sucha lovely angel. (-_-')
Blazing Minds said…
Our hope and prayers are with the family of little Madeleine.

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